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How to Create Code you can Eat!
*Check out the Instructables post for this project: * Recently I've been obsessed with...

Mycelium as a Toy-Making Material
When I stumbled upon Corinne Takara and her team of amazing biotinkering teens (whom you can learn more about here:...

Discovering the Magic of Photochromic Pigment: Creating Temporary Art
I've been sharing a series of experiments with photochromic pigment online recently. Check out this quick "trailer" to see some of my...

From Data to Art: Building a Drawing Machine Prototype with a Micro:bit and Automata Tinkering Kit
This experiment emerged as I was co-facilitating an automata tinkering workshop with Cabaret Mechanical Theatre and builds on on the...

Tinkering Sketchnotes - Documenting a Shadow Remix Workshop, Paper Linkage Techniques, Artist Talks
Visual notes and documentation from three tinkerers and artists: Documentation of a Shadow Remix workshop with the Tinkering Studio...

Tinkering with Halloween: Making a Hack-o-Lantern with Paper Circuits and Automata Mechanisms
Each year the Tinkering Studio at the Exploratorium invites people to join in the process of making "hack-o-lanterns" where you are...

Making a Weaving Loom from a Book and Adding Conductive Threads and Circuits
While following along with a weaving-focused class taught by Laura Devendorf (check out the Unstable Design Lab!) one of the first things...

Painting with electricity
When you combine an electrolyte solution with different voltages, you can create a rainbow of colors on titanium metal. Here, I'm using a...

Creating Origami to Explore the Connections Between Craft, Biology, and Engineering
Explore folding patterns in nature through origami and paper folding. Check out the activity guide: Folding Instructions (Video): Photo...

3D Printing on Fabric: Inspirations and Experiments
3D printing and fabric are two materials that I had never considered combining until I saw this tutorial from Make Magazine. 3D printed...

Recreating the Foot of a Wooly Mammoth for Outreach Education
A few years ago a farmer in Iowa discovered the skeletal remains of a wooly mammoth on his property! Local students and archaeologists...
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